Sunday, June 30, 2013

Matthew 11:25-30

Matthew 11:25-30

Today's sermon was on rest at church.  Very appropriate that I would be reading about Jesus being our true rest.

I have had a very exhausting week.  I was thinking about how refreshed I felt after going on a trip to Mexico and I realized that's because I got rest.  
How does one rest and find a break when you have four children constantly at your feet or interrupting your time reading and thinking and praying with God.  

(Literally being interrupted by my children right now)

Yet I try and push through.  To get to that moment of peace and rest with The Lord.  I think part of it must be a season?  

It's crazy though, Jesus says learn from Him because His yoke was easy and burden light.  Jesus load that He carried was not easy or light... But He says it was.  Was it His attitude?  His focus and compassion on His mission that made it easy?  He was living out the calling and purpose marked on His life.  And He took time to rest and pray when faced with difficult things...

My calling and mission marked on my life:  my children and my neighborhood.  It is so strong and when I am in the midst of living it out well I feel like I'm thriving.  But I struggle.  My heart gets heavy aching longing for support and people to do it with.  

Please Lord.  Help bless my rest times that I may be refreshed and help my awake times to be fruitful.  

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